Protein energy balls




 These balls are so easy to make and are a perfect post work out snack ! They contain carbs, protein and healthy fats.Ingredients:

50g Almond butter

100g dessicated coconut (and an additional 20g for coating).

100g Mejool Dates

2tbsp raw protein powder I used “that protein” pumpkin and chia seed.

1tsp cinamon 

1tsp vanilla powder


Combine all ingredients in a food processor and process until everything is mixed.

Spoon the paste out and roll into balls 

Roll the balls into a tray of the remaining dessicated coconut until lightly dusted in flakes.

Freeze the balls for 30 minutes and then place in the fridge in an airtight container!

Theese will last up to 2 weeks in the fridge so you man make a big batch and they will last. 

Enjoy 🙂

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